Columbus Day - Celebrate Exploration
Celebrate Explorers Past and Present.
Santa Maria replica docked at Madeira Island, Portugal.
I used to laugh a little about Columbus Day because it was a day that bankers had off while many others were working. After returning from Portugal recently, I reflect on it from the perspective of the importance of exploration on our lives. Portugal was at the forefront of exploration in early history (think Magellan) and is credited with many maritime discoveries including routes to Asia and Africa, global trade networks, nautical innovations, colonization, and scientific advancements. Columbus spent time in Portugal honing his navigation skills. He approached the king of Portugal about his infamous mission but was declined and Spain ultimately sponsored his voyage.
Make it stand out
Lisbon, Portugal - The Portuguese were history’s early explorers with a huge impact on the world.
On my flight back, I watched a movie called It’s Quieter In The Twilight, a documentary on the Voyager missions. I recall this from when I was younger, and it is amazing to think they were launched in 1977 and will celebrate 50 years in 2027. The premise behind these missions was to explore our solar system and that this could be done more quickly by propulsion possible when the planets line up once every 175 years. Each vessel traveled beyond our solar system with Voyager 1 currently over 14 billion miles away and beyond the discovery of the heliosphere (a bubble generated by the sun that surrounds our solar system). We are still in communication and the engineers still control the units from a distance.
Voyager Mission - Traveling beyond our planets over 14 Billion miles away launched in 1977 and still going!
Over the years interest in Voyager waned and the program was almost canceled several times with an original lifespan expectation of 5 years. Similarly, the early ships on the sea have been replaced with cruise ships and freighters.
Mankind’s courage with exploration has led to advancements and understanding of the world and universe we know. It comes with uncertainty, doubt, fear, and disagreement; but also wonder, amazement, discovery, and growth. We are now entering a new realm of Artificial Intelligence. Where will that lead us? What are the possibilities and potential negatives?
What I realize about exploration is that we must embrace change, study what is in front of us, try to adapt, and hopefully strive to focus on the good that can come from new universes that are infinite with possibilities.
Vereda do Pico Ruivo, Madeira, Portugal.